

“Loner Lucy” is a depiction of a situation we all know probably just a tad too well. Lucy is a girl, but more than a mere certain person, Lucy is a dedication to everyone who has been alone, but refused to be dragged into the dark feeling of loneliness and emptiness.
Here, loneliness is translated as a chance to get back to the inner self, find the truest pleasure of being alone and still loving oneself. Being alone gives a chance to think, focus, retrospect and reflect. In the end it will offer a new, even more beautiful outlook on life. Being grateful to whatever life is presenting is no longer impossible.

“Loner Lucy” is about the ability to be alone and not feel lonely. Both artists view this ability as an art itself. Art of self-reliance, if you will.

Tree House Kemang request the honor of your presence to our monthly exhibition :

Photo Exhibition by Poppie Mayiesky and Adnyani Dewi
On : Saturday, September 10th 2011
Time : 19.00
Music performances by Jirapah and Space System
Venue :Tree House
Jalan Kemang I / no. 73
Jakarta 12730 Indonesia
(across Splash, next to Little Baghdad)
Poppie Mayiesky is constantly inspired by nature, moments, people and sad eyes. These things always make her heart ponder. Born in Jakarta on May 11th, 1986 she is a photographer with an eye for the beautiful and serene. Her pictures whisper gentle stories, tickle curiosity and make people ask for more. Poppie received a BA with Honours in Graphic Design from Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She is currently working as a freelance photographer at some local magazine such as DEW Magazine, ELLE Décor Magazine, Nylon Magazine, CLARA Magazine, SUB Magazine, DEWI Magazine, Girlfriend Magazine, and GOGirl.
RUPA ‘Colours’ – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2007)
Viewfinder – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2008)
Benangmerah “Swargaloka” – Jakarta, Indonesia (2009)

Adnyani Dewi is a photographer that lets her rich cultural background that blends the ever so colorful and sometimes conventional Hindu culture with Jakarta urban way of living be her compass in capturing images and moments. The results are photos that speak more than words can describe, ignite conversations and create worlds that are distinct but familiar. She was born in Jakarta on May 2nd, 1983. She attended the Academy of Art in University of San Francisco majoring in Photography from 2002 to 2006. She also was a student in Speos Paris Photography Institute in 2007 – 2008.
Benangmerah “Swargaloka” – Jakarta, Indonesia (2009)
Asian Students and Young Artist Art Festival – Seoul, South Korea (2010)
Backyard “Jakarta: DOELOE + SKRG” – Jakarta, Indonesia (2011)


Butterfly Effect at Barli Museum Bandung, Indonesia.
This event is a collaborating exhibition event between art and music which has been held on June, 30th 2011 - July 4th 2011

Coming Soon HYBRID PROJECT 2011-2012:

Butterfly Effect Expanded Version at MAJA HOUSE Bandung, Indonesia. Will also present many public programs such as workshops, live music, live DJ performance, Bazaar, and much more to experience... 
- SEPTEMBER 23rd - 29th 2011 -



Valeria Cherchiwas born in a small Sardinian village where she grew up and lived till the age of 19. Then she moved to Rome to study Industrial Design. After her BA she spent some time in Edinburgh and she is currently based in London attending her MA in Fashion Photography."

“The memory of my childhood is for me unbelievably vital. It is an explosion of strong and pure feelings, smells, tastes, fear and nightmares, colors, curiosity, daydreams, the countryside, the smell of the mow, the incense in the church, the coolness of the floor... I am deeply grateful to my family for childhood they gave me.” She told me oneday…

Since when do you learn Photography?
I've always liked taking pictures as memories of my life but i've started looking at photography in a different way about four years ago.

What is your reason to do Photography?
I've started cause of the influence of my aunt, sister and a dear friend of mine. Also, I've always wanted to paint art but I am totally hopeless at, so i tried to turn my creativity into photography. 
Now I can say that photography is what I am, there is no reason, it is just the biggest part of my self.

What does it feel to make Photography?
It depends on the mood. We can always feel something, this is the important think to make you feeling alive. 

What do you want to share through your works?
my feelings, my dreams, my memories. 

Why you still choose film? 
I like the whole process. I like the confidence i must have in your skills, the waiting, the surprise, the editing, the colors, the grain... I am pretty regular in my habits, i don't like changing lot of different cameras but sometimes i feel the need to shoot digital as well :) 

Your biggest dream?
To be a successful fashion photographer, if not to fly with no fear or to be forever 23 years old!

Who inspired you?
Lovely people i meet in real life - people i meet in movies - musicians - well-known and emergent photographers... 

Now, what do you think of your own artwork? tell me about your works..
They made me the same question during the interview for my MA. I couldn't find an answer sorry :) I just need to grow up so much! 

What’s your next project?
To start my courses and make the most out of it! Lot of news are coming but let's see what is going to happen :)



Secangkir teh tentang Evelyn Pritt.

Waktu kecil seperti apa?
Waktu kecil main terus dan susah belajar, setiap belajar ngantuk hahaha

Lahir dimana?

Nama orang tua?
Hahahaha.. Alex & Sylvia

Dulu sekolah dimana?
Sekolah di SD, SMP, SMA Tarakanita, kuliah di Universitas Pelita Harapan, ambil jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Setelah lulus kerja sebagai web designer.

Apa yang kamu sukai dan tidak?
Suka: Laut, bintang, pohon, teknologi, optical illusion, lampu, grid, pattern
Tidak suka: Bau yang terlalu tajam, layar yang terlalu terang, tipu-tipu

Peristiwa apa yang menarik, lucu, aneh dalam perjalanan hidupmu?
Dari kecil sampai sekarang udah pindah rumah 6x :P

Ceritakan tentang kotamu..
Jakarta kota yang berantakan. Tapi kalau malam (diatas jam 10) lumayan ok.
Di Jakarta, kalo gak terpaksa jangan buat rencana hari Jumat, misal pergi/pulang dari airport hari Jumat. Dijamin bakal stres di jalan.

Apa yang mempengaruhimu dalam hidup maupun ketika berkarya..
Pengalaman, apa yang dilihat atau dirasakan setiap hari.

Sejak kapan berkenalan dengan dunia seni, terutama fotografi? apa yang membuatmu bisa bertemu dengannya?
Waktu kelas 1 SMP gue pengen belajar foto karena mau lihat sesuatu labih dekat. Dulu untuk teknis kamera belajar dari buku manual Nikon FM2, untuk belajar konsep dan kreatifnya dari workshop dan buku2-buku foto.

Masih pake FM2-mu?
Masih. Kamera perang nih, tahan banting.

Pernah menggeluti media berkarya yang lain? 
kalau pernah apa?
Web design & graphic design

Apa yang dirasakan beda?
Proses kerjanya beda banget. Kalau di design revisi dari client bisa kapan aja, bahkan udah sampai tahap FA revisi masih sering datang. Kalau di kerjaan foto, semuanya dipastikan sudah ok sebelum hari pemotretan. Paling pada saat pemotretan dibuatkan alternatif foto kalau masih kurang yakin. Tapi setelah hari pemotretan, gak ada yang namanya revisi foto. Kalau sampai terpaksa ada yang harus dirubah, dirubahnya di tahap berikutnya, digital imaging.  

Lebih memilih mana?

Kenapa memilih fotografi?
Fotografi bisa digunakan untuk dokumentasi, apa yang sekarang dilihat belum tentu bisa dilihat lagi. Bisa digunakan untuk bercerita atau menyampaikan pesan.

Apa rasanya ketika berkarya?

Apa yang ingin kamu ceritakan dari karyamu?
Bisa share sesuatu yang bagus, jelek, aneh, atau juga protes.

Siapa orang yang mempengaruhimu dalam berkarya? ceritakan siapa dia menurutmu...
Wah, banyak.
Elaine Constantine http://www.elaineconstantine.co.uk/
Philip-Lorca diCorcia http://www.thecollectiveshift.com/show/portfolio/diCorcia/
Erwin Olaf http://www.erwinolaf.com/
Massimo Vitali http://www.massimovitali.com/
Gue suka karena style foto mereka masing2 kuat sekali. Biarpun waktu pembuatan foto2nya udah lama, gambarnya tetap keinget terus.
Untuk fotografer Indonesia, untuk gue suka Artli Ali, pertama kali liat karyanya waktu pameran di Plaza Indonesia awal tahun 90an dan langsung terpukau hahaha.. Gue suka karena lighting foto still life-nya khas banget, dan cara penataan object2nya juga niat banget di jaman itu.
Kalo untuk ngobrolin konsep foto gue suka Bang Oscar Motuloh dari Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara, karena bisa mempersimpel konsep dan bikin kita mikir "oh iya".

Menurutmu bagaimana karyamu sendiri?
Banyak eksperimen. Mungkin karena waktu awal belajar sendiri, jadi bawaannya pengen belajar dan nyoba-nyoba terus.

Ceritakan karya yang paling mempengaruhimu yang pernah kamu buat..
Belum ada nih kayaknya :D

Apa hal paling aneh yang pernah kau temukan di dunia ini?
Kalo nemuin sendiri sih belum pernah kayaknya yah.

Kalau udah gak bisa moto lagi, kamu mau apa?
Jadi apa aja yang penting happy.

Project selanjutnya?
Ada 2 project, foto tentang lingkungan hidup dan instalasi foto makanan. Belum dimulai :P



Aling Chen, she real name is Wan-Ling Chen. She was born and raised in Taichung, Taiwan. After graduating from National Taiwan University of Arts, She worked as a graphic designer for two years, including designing graphics for kids clothing. After that, She became a freelance illustrator, because She realized that painting is what She love the most when she illustrated her first childrenbook in 2009.
Aling have liked to paint since she was a kid. Aling started to paint at the age of six, when she picked up a sketch book at the bookstore.
“I didn’t study art until college. When I was little, I just observed everything in my life, and painted it in my own way.”

“What is your reason to do art?”
“I want to tell people what I feel through my creation. It is my language. It is how I talk to the world.
At the same time, I can explore possibilities within my imagination.”
“What does it feel to make art?”
“I feel really happy and satisfied when I am doing it. I want to share my humor and imagination through my works.”
“I want to have my own office, and show my works in many different ways in order to take my art to the people. “

” What are your preferable mediums? Why ?”
“I don’t favor any particular mediums, but I use both the computer and the pencil drawing often. The computer can be used to create many different visual effects. The pencil drawing can give works vitality and make them unique.”

“Who inspired you?
The environment and people around me inspired me. They are my topics most of the time.

“Tell me about Taiwan....”
“Taiwan is the most beautiful island in Asia. This island was enabled by honest and friendly natures of people in Taiwan. Not to mention the most well-known food and landscape, one of the biggest attractions here is the unique sensibility in art. This year ART TAIPEI's project "Made in Taiwan" gained many international viewers' attentions.
Our artists' works illustrate our notions of the country. I hope that artists in Taiwan will gain more opportunities to participate in the foreign art market in the future “
“I think it just really nice”

“Any interesting experiences when you make artworks? tell me...”
“For me, each individual experience of work is unique and interesting. It always brings me to "arrive" at another"place" via the childish contours and bright colors that popped out of my work. In "there" I talk to them, and it provides me with a new way of looking at the world around them.”

“Hmm…so whats your next project?”
“I am going to design and illustrate pictures for T-shirts”
“Welcome to visit my blog: www.alingchen.blogspot.com to see my current projects. I hope you will like it.”
“I did”